Passing Soul By

Passing Soul By

I will not pass soul by like a stranger in the night. I will look for it. I will be still and wait for the veil of illusion to be lifted so that I can see what is behind it. Soul is not locked in a jewel box or floating somewhere in the sky. It is not the province of a privileged few. Soul is there for me when I am ready to look, willing to embrace it and make it part of my day-to-day living. Soul is not obscure and oblique; it is simple-so simple that I pass it by without noticing its presence. Soul is quiet, so quiet that I do not hear it calling. There is no path toward soul, no journey or secret passageway that will lead me to it. Soul is here and now. It is present in all that is.
I am willing to see soul.
We only see the outer covering of reality and it’s only when our inner senses are opened, when our inner life is opened, that we pierce through the unreality.
Sister Pascaline Coff
@ Tian Dayton PhD
From Forgiving and Moving On, The Soul’s Companion, One Foot in Front of the Other, Health Communications