A groundbreaking new offering from the publisher of the book that started a movement: The New York Times bestseller Adult Children of Alcoholics by Janet Woitita PhD
Dr. Tian Dayton picks up where Janet Woititz left off. The Soulful Journey of Recovery responds to a need we’re witnessing increase by the day, not only because of the opioid crisis but also the adverse childhood experience (ACE) movement that has opened the floodgates for millions who experienced the kind of relational trauma in childhood that is impacting their physical and/or mental health as adults. We are in the midst of another movement whose time has come, one that has been brought into a new level of intelligence and understanding through the research on neuroscience, attachment, and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) that has opened the floodgates for millions who experienced the kind of relational trauma in childhood that is impacting their physical and/or mental health as adults.The Soulful Journey of Recovery is more than a book. It is an invitation to journey along the continuous path of discovery, a pathway to healing the wounds of a traumatic childhood.All of us who have been touched, directly or indirectly, by chemical or behavioral addictions and related mental health disorders can benefit from this continuing journey of self-awareness and recovery.The Soulful Journey of Recovery takes readers on an actual journey that ignites creativity and ingenuity. It jumps off the page and into the world of recovery. It asks the reader to dive in, to make a connection with life, to put an oar in the water and row. It’s both an information and a practical “how-to” book, one that is sure to become a “go-to” for anyone in recovery from addiction, codependency, or adult children who had adverse childhood experiences and ACA issues.
Gary Seidler
Co-founder of Health Communications and Us Journal Conferences